From the online blog, Redstate, dhorowitz3 posts a commentary on the United States utilization, or rather lack of utilization, of fossil fuels. This article titled CRS Report: U.S. is Leader in Fossil Fuel Resources is directed towards republican readers to discuss the recent findings of the Congressional Research Service (CSR), and how their findings relate to and will affect the reader. The writers name, nor position, is provided giving no immediate credibility. On top of that the writer is very biased towards the right making sweeping statements such as "Barack Obama is eager to deride our ‘addiction to oil’ as some sort of pejorative. We wear that label as a badge of honor. If there is a prudent and meritorious addiction in the world, it is our patronage of fossil fuels." which does not lend to his credibility as a source fo unbiased opinion. The writer discussed the findings that the United States has vast oil reserves and goes on to say that we should use these reserves and begin drilling saying that "Either way, history has shown that the more we drill, the more oil there is to discover. And, the more we drill, the more efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly the technology becomes." Although I am a conservative republican I do not agree that we should use the oil reserves we have. I agree with Obama's statement that oil is the energy provider of the past. The environment is truly suffering from our oil use and the ignorant views of this writer truly disappoint me. I think these pro-oil people need to come to grasp with the fact that eventually, we WILL run out of their beloved oil. If there is one thing worth spending government money on it is for finding efficient, environmentally friendly alternatives to oil.